Successful Wheel Loader deployment for USUM Recycling

The Hyundai Model HL965 and HL940A wheel loaders at USUM Recycling in Steigra
Engineer Sven Heinisch manages the corporate group USUM, founded by his father in 1992, in the town of Steigra (50 km south-west of Halle/Saale). USUM stands for Unstrut-Saale-Umweltschutz (Unstrut-Saale Environmental Protection). The group USUM Grundstoffaufbereitung und Service GmbH operates a roughly seven-hectare industrial site on the recultivated former rubble dump site of an open-cast limestone quarry. Today, the business has a team of eight employees and produces:
- Compost certified for agricultural use
- Soil
- Mineral potash fertiliser
- Recyclable materials from mineral construction site waste